As part of our commitment to a standard of excellence, LivingWorks Education encourages the rigorous scientific evaluation of our programs. Results have consistently shown that LivingWorks programs increase participants’ knowledge, skills, and confidence, while a major study recently demonstrated that they also contribute to improved outcomes for those at risk of suicide.
This page provides a partial list of original research and research reviews of LivingWorks programs. More studies will be added as they become available. If you are interested in additional evaluation information or are considering carrying out an evaluation of your own, please contact us.
Impact of Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training on the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (2013)
This study demonstrated that callers to crisis line counselors trained in ASIST were statistically less suicidal, less depressed, less overwhelmed and more hopeful than callers to crisis line counselors who were trained in a method other than ASIST. The lead author was Dr. Madelyn Gould of Columbia University. The study was published in Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior, the official Journal of the American Association of Suicidology. We have also produced a detailed PDF handout outlining the major points of the study and what it said about the ASIST program.
Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training: Trainee Experiences, Recommendations, and Post-Training Behavior (2010)
Co-authored by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration and ICF/MACRO, this qualitative study of ASIST training participants found increased self-efficacy, heightened awareness, improved communication skills, sharing information with others and, perhaps most importantly, interventions.
The Use and Impact of Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST) in Scotland: An Evaluation (2008)
This Scottish evaluation of ASIST found increased knowledge, attitudes, skills and interventions in ASIST-trained caregivers in addition to broad reductions stigma and increased suicide prevention awareness within communities and organizations.
Making it Safer: A Health Centre’s Strategy for Suicide Prevention (2007)
This study by Nora McAuliffe and Lynda Perry demonstrated that ASIST training in a large community hospital contributed to improved clinical outcomes for consumers. Outcomes included an increase in identification of those at risk for suicide but a reduction in hospital admissions for that same group.
This Australian study looked at the delivery of SafeTALK to secondary school students (aged 15-16 years) in Mackay, Queensland. This study found that in the last six months, 61% of students considered another student's behaviour as suicidal, but only 21% reported asking them about this. Students who attended safeTALK gained suicide-related knowledge, confidence, and willingness to intervene with someone with thoughts of suicide and reported an increased likelihood of engaging in help-seeking behaviour themselves.
Universal suicide prevention in young people. (2017)
This study was conducted by researchers from Orygen, Australia’s National Centre of Excellence in Youth Mental Health, in collaboration with the University of Melbourne and New York’s Columbia University. It examined the impact of safeTALK training for high school students in Alice Springs. It found that it increased knowledge about suicide, confidence in talking about issues related to suicide, willingness to talk about suicide, and the likelihood of both offering and seeking help. The study also found that safeTALK was safe for the school students, and there was no evidence that the training-induced suicidal thoughts or caused distress; both appeared to decrease following the training. Most participants did not find the training upsetting; they reported it to be worthwhile, and most said they would recommend it to a friend.
safeTALK suicide training: An evaluation of attitudes and actions among medical students. (2017)
This study found that safeTALK increased the likelihood that medical students would recognize signs of suicide risk, ask about suicide, and connect someone at risk with help.
safeTALK was delivered to third-year Royal School of Veterinary Studies undergraduates as part of their professional development curriculum. The vast majority of the students reported that after completing the workshop, they were more likely or much more likely to recognize the signs of a person at risk of suicide, approach a person at risk of suicide, ask a person about suicide, and connect a person at risk of suicide with help.
Preventing suicide; Nurse education and the occluded issue of gender. (2018)
An exploratory study utilizing a survey design and repeated measures was used to investigate the effect of safeTALK training on the level of general perceived self-efficacy (GPSE) in student nurses and to observe for any gender-related differences. safeTALK training had a positive impact on increasing the general self-efficacy of the participants in the whole sample. Both males and females reported increased self-efficacy post-safeTalk training. This reported increase was more marked in the males in the sample compared to the females.
This study looked at the provision of safeTALK to 266 community members. Scores for knowledge, preparedness, and efficacy were significantly higher (improved) 6 months after training compared to the pre-test. While participants showed even greater immediate effects, follow-up scores indicate that the positive effects of safeTALK were sustained over six months.
A large-scale workplace-based suicide prevention and early intervention program was delivered to over 9,000 construction workers on building sites across Queensland. This complex study involved looking at an intervention with multiple layers. Intervention components included universal General Awareness Training, gatekeeper training (safeTALK), Suicide First Aid (ASIST) training offered to critical workers, outreach support provided by trained Mates in Construction (MIC) staff, state-wide suicide prevention hotline, case management services, and postvention support provided in the event of a suicide. Connector-trained (safeTALK) participants rated MIC as helpful and effective, felt prepared to intervene with a suicidal person, and knew where to seek help for a suicidal individual following the training. This study also provides qualitative evidence of the potential effectiveness of this application of safeTALK.
Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training: Evidence in Support of the ASIST 11 Program (2013)
This review provides evidence in support of the rationale, content, teaching and learning processes of ASIST training, particularly as it applies to the newest edition, ASIST 11.
Review of the Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training Program (ASIST): Rationale, Evaluation Results, and Directions for Future Research (2010)
This review compiles results from 20 evaluations of ASIST from 5 different countries. The review found that ASIST training consistently increased knowledge, attitudes, and skills of participants.