Training By Location

LivingWorks Faith
New York State


Thank you for your interest in LivingWorks Faith!

LivingWorks Faith is a self-paced, online program that empowers Christian Faith leaders to increase safety from suicide and minister to those who have experienced suicide loss.

LivingWorks Faith training is free for New York State Christian leaders thanks to the generous support of the Suicide Prevention Centre of New York State/New York State Office of Mental Health.

What will I learn?

Designed for Christian faith leaders, LivingWorks Faith will enhance your ability to provide competent suicide care as part of your pastoral ministry. Our program offers resources and guidance to:

Provide hope-centered, safety focused interventions with people considering suicide.

Give bereavement support after a suicide loss and conduct a memorial or funeral.

Enrich life-promoting ministries in support of purposeful living and self-care.

There are two options for the LivingWorks Faith training, which is free to New York State Christian leaders thanks to the support of the New York State Office of Mental Health and the Suicide Prevention Centre of New York. Together, we believe that suicide is preventable.

Two people praying while reading bible
Older man laughing with a group of people in a circle.

LivingWorks Faith is:

University of Notre Dame
Research Study (UND Study)

LivingWorks Faith training as outlined above PLUS

The University of Notre Dame is conducting a voluntary research study consisting of brief surveys about your experience before, during, and after completing modules of the LivingWorks Faith program. We expect that the research surveys will add approximately one hour to the length of the LivingWorks Faith training.

The LivingWorks Faith program was launched in 2020, and we are working to understand better how those who participate in our training perceive it, and how we can improve it.

Group of people praying. With the logo of the University of Notre Dame over top.

How to Register

Reminder: to use the Coupon Code FAITHNYS you must be a resident of New York State.

For more detailed instructions, click here.

Two men reading bible together. Logo of New York State Office of Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Centre of New York State over top.