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LivingWorks Joins Suicide Prevention Colleagues at ESSSB19 in Denmark

LivingWorks Joins Suicide Prevention Colleagues at ESSSB19 in Denmark

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17 August, 2022 – The biennial European Symposium for Suicide and Suicidal Behaviour aims to provide a venue of knowledge exchange between researchers, clinicians, practitioners, and people with lived experience.

LivingWorks is pleased to have representatives from North America, the UK, Ireland, and Australia at the event being held in Copenhagen from 24-27 August, 2022.

Dr. Peter Gutierrez, LivingWorks Executive Vice President of Innovation, Marc Bryant, Director of Suicide Prevention, LivingWorks Australia, and Jorgen Gullestrup, LivingWorks Australia consultant and founder of MATES in Construction will all be in attendance.

On Thursday, 25 August, Dr. Gutierrez will be presenting ‘LivingWorks’ Role in Helping Create Networks of Safety in Communities’ at 1:15pm CEST in Room 2: Hannover, as well as co-chairing the 1:00 – 2:30pm breakout session ‘Community-Based Interventions’.

“ESSSB provides a wonderful opportunity to see the work being done in suicide prevention outside of North America and the Asia Pacific area, connect with leaders of those research communities, and identify potential collaborations in order to advance LivingWorks research and evaluation agendas,” explains Gutierrez.

We’re also pleased to announce that LivingWorks Coaches Jenny Pickup and John Kennedy, from England and Ireland respectively, have been contracted to support ongoing development work in Europe, and will be joining their LivingWorks colleagues in Denmark

“The team is looking forward to the opportunity in Copenhagen to engage with the leading research and evidence around suicide prevention, and in particular seeing sector colleagues face-to-face for the first time in Europe since before Covid-19 restrictions,” says Bryant.

“Welcoming Jenny and John to the team will strengthen our crucial work across the UK, Ireland, and the rest of Europe, supporting existing and future partnerships,” he adds.

After the conference, LivingWorks Executive Vice President of Development Shayne Connell, will join Marc, Jenny, and Joyce Borgs (LivingWorks Quality & Assurance Team) ) on a whistle-stop tour of the UK and Ireland to meet with key stakeholders.

“It’s important for LivingWorks to be able to support the needs of communities across Europe in the aftermath of the Covid-19 restrictions and during the current global financial pressures,” Connell says. “Suicide intervention skills development plays a critical role upstream to connect people to services earlier, before they attempt.”

“As we look to support government focus on suicide prevention across Europe, it’s important we meet to discuss their needs – in particular around youth suicide and the key learnings we can share from the largest school-based training initiative for teachers currently underway in Australia,” he adds.

Please email with enquiries about LivingWorks training across Europe or the UK.

Follow LivingWorks’ socials for #ESSSB19 content and Shayne and Marc on their UK & Ireland trip via Twitter – see below for links.

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